My Kinda Pot....

So after a anoying day at work, as usual, I find myself among my peers... talking... joking...drinking... and calling them bastards over stacks of my poker chips. I got invited to play Texas Hold-Em at a co-wokers house tonight. as i am allready out this round... Three Hands In I Might Add!!!!.... sigh... I decided to post on my blog for the first time in a while.
Things are going much as they have the last age, full of their own coming and goings. I bought some new comics, I have beaten Guitar Hero on its MEDIUM level. (don't let the word medium fool ya. Its F'ing HARD) I picked up an application for a passport, so soon I may join the ranks of the well traveled and wise.
I really miss Greta. I almost freaked out the other day. I was watching FOX news channel and the heading "TERROR IN LONDON" popped up. Well after I forced my heart out of my mouth I realized that the story was about the bombing this past summer. I still worried for the next couple hours, cause something could happen and I wouldnt know. Can you imagine how much it would hurt to find out about that from a TV first... ouchies.
Well on to happy-er thoughts... I had a moment of supreme irony the other day. I took a Food Safety Class for work the other day. It was all about safe cooking procedures and cleaning and stuff like that. Well... it ran from 9am-4pm. We had to have lunch. It was being held at a bar. Funny huh? Half the people there were drinking when i got there... and that was 830am. Anyways, we ordered lunch from the bar. And when mine came... there was a hair in it.
I find that very funny.
Well thats it.
Greta, call me, email me, something... I really miss you. All my love.
Everyone else. Peace out homies
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