Valentines Musings and Scarcasm

Well another Valentines Day has come and gone and I am left with the fundemental post romantic climax thoughts... Is this a holiday created solely for Hersheys, FTD, and Hallmark? I've never really thougth of it this way but i keep hearing these sentiments from those around me. Especially at work. So this is the way I look at it.
I get it when people say that this is a manufactured holiday. The fact that it wasnt widely celebrated for many many years puts a little doubt into your mind. and that fact that the price of roses, the required holiday flower, skyrockets durring the two days surrounding V-Day. Kinda like the gas companys price gouging durring hurricane season ain't it? V-Day cards have gone from $1-2 to upwards of $6-7. And why can you only get those Sweetheart Candies Two Weeks Out Of The Year?!? I like those... not for reading, for eating. Also the sudden emergance of Sweetest Day... Very curious...
But in my opinion, these holidays are a none too sutble reminder of the lack of attention that we as a society pay to our significant others. The fact that most men stagger into flower shops at 11:45pm on Feb 14 to redeam themselves with as many roses as they can carry to the door of their girlfriends apt to megerly mumble "I didn't forget..." How Pathetic Are We?
Is it really so hard to do something special for the woman or man that you love and spend your life with? And why only on one day of the year, or two if you actually try to do Sweetest Day... They deserve to be made feel special as often as you can. For all the shit they put up with, namely you, they deserve to be showered with flowers, candy, and heartfelt words on a daily basis. Ive had four wonderful Valentines Days with Greta, but they are special not because of the day, but because of the thought we put into it. Our presents are personal. They wouldnt make sence to anyone but us. That is what is best about them. But we do these kinda things on other days too, and that is all the more special.
So my advice to all who read this and are thinking about how they can do better next year. dont wait till next year. your woman or man will be much happier if you forget all that silly planning for next year that youll probably never do and think of something nice to do for them on some random day. that will mean far more that a cheep card and expensive flowers on a set day.
Dont just particapate in the holiday...Practice the meaning of Valentines Day...
Show love to one another... that's the way it should be.
I love much.
I agree! I've always been a fan of presenting people with random presants, rather than dutifully coughing somehting up on an assigned day.
-However if you want to know, Valentines day was actually a Roman ceremony of love where people would engage in love(the physical act of love) with different partners on a feast day. The Christians came a long and said we want to keep the holiday but not the celebration and so they took a normal Saint (Valentine) who was reputed to be very chaste and afraid of women and made him into a passionate lover (still chaste) and now we celebrate love (chastely) in his honor. Also the god Cupid was a steaming hot Addonis until the Victorians came around and decided women might pass out if they saw picturs of him on cards so they changed his image to a baby. I may be massacuring these facts. I found all this out by doing a Google search for Valentines facts.
Sweetest day was in fact created by Hallmark petioning the government to recognize a day for couples not quite as serious as those who get all excited for V-Day, or as I like to call it VD.
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