Sleep Deprivation & Merlot
The last five or six days have been interesting to say the least... where to start...
This past weekend my sister Nikki was home and she brought her boyfriend Shane along...This was interesting...Come Back Shane...Sorry had to get that out. ( if you get this reference, good for you, if you don't...meh oh well you'll do better next time. we cant all be winners) This was the first time I've met him, tho I did try to intimidate him on the phone once... which I'm sure didn't work. He seems like a pretty good guy. Looks like they are happy. allways either holding hands or cuddleing. Made me miss Greta really bad...I wanna cuddle...pouty face. I didn't get to talk to him much cause I had to work but I like him. If he ever hurts her, I'll end him before he can blink but I like him.
Secondly, I am now in a play. Wis Rapids Com Theatre is doing Dark of the Moon in mid may and I decided to go audition and I got cast. The director is an old friend of mine, Linda Garski, we did Little Shop of Horrors when I was just outa high school so we have some good history. I got cast as Hank, its not a huge role but I get some funny one liners and I get to be a "sinner" and get saved...hehehe, oh and talk in a hick accent for the entire show. So it could be fun. I need something to do, to take my mind off of things. We had our read thru on monday night. Good group of people, some I know some I don't. On my way home I rented a bunch o movies cause I have two days off work( inner monologue: happy happy joy joy.....Fuck McDonalds...and done) I rented Proof and Wit, cause I was in a theatreish mood and I rented a couple of independent films cause they looked interesting... this brings me to...
I ended up not being able to fall asleep and watching movies until 5am... not as fun as you'd think. On the upside all the movies were good. Proof was great, as was Wit. The indies were standard of films like that. Not bad. Tossed and turned. All night long. oh well I got to sleep in tho. I woke up around 11:00am and laid in bed till round noon thirty. Got up, did some stuff till round 5pm then I ended up making dinner for my folks. Pasta. this brings us to...
Dad decided it might be nice to have a bottle of wine with dinner. This seemed like a good idea consitering we had 13 bottles of wine in the house. And no one here drinks wine. People bring it at Christmas and leave it. So we picked out a nice Merlot Cabernet to go with our spaghetti ( dont know if it's spelled right and I don't care) It was pretty good, a little dry for my taste but it complimented the pasta well. So we are having a nice dinner, mom dad and myself. This is when my dad decides that the wine would be better as a spritzer. Ok. So he procedes to mix this good wine with DIET CAFFINE FREE MOUNTIAN DEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can now establish were my family lies on the sophistication food chain... we're a step above Chilli Fries. He explained that he learned this from his brother Billy. The story goes that back in the day Billy used to drink a lot of cheep nasty red wine so to make it taste better he would mix it with Sprite or 7Up to make it taste better. Well one night he ran out of wash so he mixed it with Mountian Dew and he liked it better. Now as I am ranting I must divulge this. I tried it and it wasnt half bad. Im sorry world...I thought I was better than this. Meh. Ya win some, ya loose some. Welcome to my f'ed up life.
Eh im beat. Quittin time, gotta recouperate. I leave you with a comic I found funny...
Greta I love you and I miss you. MWAH!
This past weekend my sister Nikki was home and she brought her boyfriend Shane along...This was interesting...Come Back Shane...Sorry had to get that out. ( if you get this reference, good for you, if you don't...meh oh well you'll do better next time. we cant all be winners) This was the first time I've met him, tho I did try to intimidate him on the phone once... which I'm sure didn't work. He seems like a pretty good guy. Looks like they are happy. allways either holding hands or cuddleing. Made me miss Greta really bad...I wanna cuddle...pouty face. I didn't get to talk to him much cause I had to work but I like him. If he ever hurts her, I'll end him before he can blink but I like him.
Secondly, I am now in a play. Wis Rapids Com Theatre is doing Dark of the Moon in mid may and I decided to go audition and I got cast. The director is an old friend of mine, Linda Garski, we did Little Shop of Horrors when I was just outa high school so we have some good history. I got cast as Hank, its not a huge role but I get some funny one liners and I get to be a "sinner" and get saved...hehehe, oh and talk in a hick accent for the entire show. So it could be fun. I need something to do, to take my mind off of things. We had our read thru on monday night. Good group of people, some I know some I don't. On my way home I rented a bunch o movies cause I have two days off work( inner monologue: happy happy joy joy.....Fuck McDonalds...and done) I rented Proof and Wit, cause I was in a theatreish mood and I rented a couple of independent films cause they looked interesting... this brings me to...
I ended up not being able to fall asleep and watching movies until 5am... not as fun as you'd think. On the upside all the movies were good. Proof was great, as was Wit. The indies were standard of films like that. Not bad. Tossed and turned. All night long. oh well I got to sleep in tho. I woke up around 11:00am and laid in bed till round noon thirty. Got up, did some stuff till round 5pm then I ended up making dinner for my folks. Pasta. this brings us to...
Dad decided it might be nice to have a bottle of wine with dinner. This seemed like a good idea consitering we had 13 bottles of wine in the house. And no one here drinks wine. People bring it at Christmas and leave it. So we picked out a nice Merlot Cabernet to go with our spaghetti ( dont know if it's spelled right and I don't care) It was pretty good, a little dry for my taste but it complimented the pasta well. So we are having a nice dinner, mom dad and myself. This is when my dad decides that the wine would be better as a spritzer. Ok. So he procedes to mix this good wine with DIET CAFFINE FREE MOUNTIAN DEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can now establish were my family lies on the sophistication food chain... we're a step above Chilli Fries. He explained that he learned this from his brother Billy. The story goes that back in the day Billy used to drink a lot of cheep nasty red wine so to make it taste better he would mix it with Sprite or 7Up to make it taste better. Well one night he ran out of wash so he mixed it with Mountian Dew and he liked it better. Now as I am ranting I must divulge this. I tried it and it wasnt half bad. Im sorry world...I thought I was better than this. Meh. Ya win some, ya loose some. Welcome to my f'ed up life.
Eh im beat. Quittin time, gotta recouperate. I leave you with a comic I found funny...
Greta I love you and I miss you. MWAH!

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