Gaming Brain Anyurism 2 hours in OR Christopher Lee, I love you, you crazy fuck!

Kingdom Hearts II is a great game so far. The first two hours are completly Fucked Up! They throw a buncha stuff at you right off the bat and you wont understand any of it untill youre an hour and a half into the game when you go "OH, I Fucking get it now!" And now i finally understand Deep Dive. I am increadibly impressed that they explained as much as they did for a Super Secret Bonus on the first game. It really ties in to the game.
The brain anyurism came an hour in the game where i was yelling at the screen "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING WITH THIS!!!" WHAT THE FUCK?!?"
The kudos to Christopher Lee is because he voices a character for the game. And as always he provides the perfect crazy psyco fucking villian voice!
To Greta: Love you! Sorry we got cut off before I could say goodnight properly. Ill talk to you Sat. Oh and I got the urge to make Pud at 2am before I went to bed. hehehe.
To all who read this and dont know what Pud is... get your minds outa the gutters.... its Jello Gigglers.
Now I leave you with a "That 70's Show Quote
DONNA: "So youre saying that Eric befriended me when i was 5 so he could do it with me when i was 17?
KELSO: "Well, that and your sweet Big Wheel..."
I am so jealous...I am playing that over Easter Break so help me...
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