Saturday, July 22, 2006

What Amanda Thinks Of Me

Amanda K Baker Did This thing and this is what she came up with for me

The Format
1. Reply with your name and I will write something about you.
2. I will then tell what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. If I were to apply an o'clock to you, it would be...
4. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
5. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
6. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.

Humphrey -
1. Humphrey was our honorary roommate last fall. For the longest time I didn't know his first name. It just didn't occur to me 'cuz everyone always called him "Humphrey."
2. Resident Evil. Don't ask me why, it just seems right.
3. 9 pm. See above.
4. "Generous"
5. This is clasic Humphrey: One night we were getting dressed up to go out and we were taking pictures of each other. Humphrey was sitting on the couch and he said, "Oh, no, don't take my - oh, all right!" and struck a pose. It was funny.
6. A teddy bear
7. Was I ever curt or snappy to you when I was leaving for class in the morning? I hope not, but if I was please understand it's because I'm not a morning person, and it was nothing personal.

This was interisting and id be happy to do it for anyone who'd want to ask me too
Untill next time

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Greta's looked interisting so I thought I'd try it.

[A is for age]: 22
[B is for beer of choice]: Anything by Leinenkugels, Killians Irish Red, WoodChucks, Capitol has some good ones too, New Glarus, and Blue Moon with OJ. NUMMY!
[C is for career]: Aspiring to have one. My dream job would be doing character voices for Cartoons!
[D is for your dog's name]: Never had one.
[E is for your essential daily item]: Sugar... lots and lots of sugar
[F is for favorite song at the moment]: Ball & Chain by Social Distortion... listen to it. "You can run all your life and not go anywhere"
[G is for favorite games]: Guitar Hero at the moment... tho I am the Shotgun Master at Timesplitters Future Perfect 100% accuracy twice in a row! How you like me now !!!
[H is for Hometown]: Nekoosa, Wisconsin... home is really where you make it tho...
[I is for the instrument you play]: Saxaphones et all...Tenor being my favorite
[J is for favorite flavor of juice]: Lemonade... yummy
[K is for kids]: Someday... I want three, two boys and one girl... or the other way around.
[L is for last hug?]: Last recieving: Greta Wiggle... Last Giving: Bobbi at work. She was having a bad day with her hubby.
[M is for marriage]: Soon... Looking for the Shiney... "wink"
[N is for name of your crush]: Greta K. Weibel. Now and Forever.
[O is for overnight hospital stays]: Only at Birth... I think
[P is for phobias]: Overwhelming Unidentified Noises. Rollercoasters. Hotels with doors facing the outside.
[Q is for quote]: "Life is a constant game of getting kicked in the nuts. I just depends if you're kicking or being kicked at the moment."
[R is for biggest regret]: Every scar I've left on my Wiggle's Heart.
[S is for status]: Anynomus worker. Very Lucky Man.
[T is for time you wake up]:When I Have To
[U is for underwear]: Love 'em.
V is for vegetable you love]: Squash, Zuchinni, Baby Carrots
[W is for worst habit]: Biting my Nails...and putting myself down
[X is for x-rays you've had]: Teeth, and my Broken Middle Finger
[Y is for yummy food you make]: Everything I Make Is Pretty Good... but I think my best is Marinated Steak Kabobs with Fresh Grilled Vegies.
[Z is for zodiac]: Leo, The Noble Lion

Love my new job! Saw Greta last week. We went camping. She did an awesome job designing Urinetown. More to come soon. My best to you all!