Hello Everyone!!!
Wow Has It Really Been That Long?
"cricket, cricket"
"cricket, cricket"
Guess So....
Anyway! Here's all the latest news coming outta Humphrey Land!
First Item:
I'm Going To Freakin New York!!!
Yup, for all of you who didn't know, Greta, Claude, and I are going to be moving to the city that never sleeps in just a couple of weeks. We will be living in either in Brooklyn or Queens! I'm gonna find some useless job that will pay the rent and go back to my other true love (Besides Greta that is !) Acting. Yes thats right people. Im gonna start auditioning! I am also in the process of putting together a Professional Copy of SOAPBOX together to take with me to NYC. So we will see how that goes. I will try to see all of you before we leave. We will definately be back for Xmas. So if we dont see you we will be back soon with storys to tell.
Wish Us Luck, And Keep Us In Your Thoughts!
Word to the wise... Probably not a good idea to bake brownies at 2am in the morning. You usually grab the wrong pan and burn the suckers. Then you manage to salvage half of them and they still taste pretty good with cold milk... well...
If you MUST Bake Brownies at 2am Make Sure You Use The Right Pan!
NOBODY LIKES BURNT BROWNIES. Thats brownie abuse and you should be ashamed of yourself. Im also pretty sure its illegal in a few states.
MMM Chocolate.
If anyone has the recipe for the so called "Better Than Sex Cake" I want it!
I cant really compare it right now but i had a piece tonight and it was still pretty F'ng Good!
I dont know. Oh I had a birthday a few weeks back. This clumsy lil man has survived another trip around the sun. We had a grand old time at 5 Star Lanes. Thanks to everyone who came. It ment alot to me.
Well thats about enough for one night. More to come later.
-The Humps